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Happy Sunday!

November 13, 2011

We love watching football on Sundays.  We both play in a Fantasy Football league (Jay actually plays in two.)  Every Sunday, we’ll have people over to watch the games, root for the Redskins (or whomever) and I’ll make food for the gathering.

Today, we had a bunch of apples from a local orchard and some leftover butternut squash that needed to be roasted soon, so I decided to make an apple pie.  I found a good looking and adaptable recipe over at Smitten Kitchen, but wanted to do a little more.  I asked Jay if he had ever heard of an apple and butternut squash pie or what he thought of it, so being the modern couple we are, he googled it to see if anyone else had also ever had this idea.  Turns out there were many combinations, including soup, crumble, casserole and even macaroni and cheese!  But there wasn’t a pie.  We figured, though, that if all these other combos made sense to others then we oughtta go ahead and try to make a pie.  So we did!

Earlier, I made a yummy breakfast from some leftovers.  (Can you tell today is leftovers day yet?)  We had a vegetarian sausage gravy and pimento cheese omelets topped with sauteed spinach and grilled onions, peppers and brussels sprouts.  Yum!  Jay gave it an 8/10.***  I suppose that’s okay, but I prefer 9s and 10s.  I’ll have to work on that.

***He says it’s based on a comparison to other breakfasts I have made him, so to not be discouraged.  Good man.

Lunch was more pimento cheese since I made a million billion gallons of it the other day.  I made them for our guests and individually wrapped them in wax paper with name tags.  I love wrapping sandwiches in wax paper.  Everyone who sees them thinks they look really fancy and often I’m asked where I bought it.  When I respond that I made it myself, I always get a look of polite surprise.  Try it out!

Paris is being lazy as always and faithfully adorable.

Happy Sunday and Go Redskins!

What are your Sundays like?

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